Verkoop vooruitzichten van Spaans vastgoed

The real estate servicer Anticipa forecasts that 2016 will finish with Spanish home sales up 9.3% and prices up 5.5%. Anticipa are one of the companies that manage and sell large property portfolios, usually on behalf of banks.
In their latest Spanish real estate market report for the period 2016-2018 They have gone on to forecast that sales will rise 8% to 454,000 in 2017, and a further 6% to 480,000 in 2018, having finished this year on 419,000.
An economics professor, Josep Oliver, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), who prepared the report on behalf of Anticipa, explains that 450,000 home sales per year is about the limit for Spain, given current economic conditions, and in the absence of significant immigration.
The report agrees with the widespread belief that the Spanish property market is recovering, attributing this fact to Government reforms and the extra loose policy of the European Central Bank. But it also points out that the market is still a long way from the sales and price levels reached in the boom. By volume and value, the Spanish real estate market is still less than half what it was nine years ago in 2007.
It shows a good increase in sales, from 2013, when the market bottomed out, but with this good sustainable increase , it shows a good recovery.
So let's stay focused and positive, “Onwards and Upwards"
Remember, if you are looking to purchase a property in the area, please give us a call at Golf Sun Spanish Properties, where we are eager to show you are portfolio of properties